In Memory

Jerry Privette

Jerry Privette

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07/15/11 01:38 AM #1    

Amy Welsh (Edelberg)

I dated Jerry all during my junior year.  As you can see in the picture, Jerry looked very tough and rugged on the outside, but he was gentle and sentimental on the inside.  Loved, loved, loved him!

07/23/11 09:11 PM #2    

Amy Welsh (Edelberg)

On a more lighthearted note, can you say lavender dotted swiss and gold brocade?  Oh, what a night! We got home late after "breakfast" at Shoney's, fell asleep on my living room floor (yes, my parents were home), and EARLY in the morning, like 7 AM, his parents called my house looking for him (uh-oh)--it was all very innocent :) Such happy memories. 

08/26/14 12:40 AM #3    

Dann Carnes

Jerry, Dale Voss & I lived in the same neighborhood in the fifth grade, attending Park Rd. and St. Anns elementary schools.  We three would have attended Myers Park with Eddie Monday, Robert Yopp and an array of other characters, had our families not moved into the South school district.  It was a memorable year for me preceeded by a move from Miami and suceeded by three years in Gastonia.  Thanks Jerry for joining the gang in many pranks instigated by Eddie and fun times on the sand lot and court.

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